Bylaws of Southern NV Peer Support

A Nonprofit Organization Supporting Law Enforcement Mental Health & Wellness

Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be Southern NV Peer Support (hereinafter referred to as “the Organization”).

Article II – Purpose & Mission

The mission of Southern NV Peer Support is to provide confidential peer support, mental health assistance, and emotional wellness resources to law enforcement officers in Southern Nevada. The Organization is committed to preventing law enforcement suicide by offering support to officers following dangerous, traumatic, or high-stress incidents.

The Organization shall accept donations only for the purpose of purchasing essential supplies that contribute to successful peer support efforts, including but not limited to:

• Bottled water

• Gatorade or electrolyte drinks

• Candy bars

• Nuts and protein snacks

• Toner for the printer/copy machine

• Paper for the handouts to be taken home by the involved officer

These items are used during post-incident debriefs and wellness checks to aid officers in crisis. Eating and drinking following an adrenaline dump while in fight or flight mode, the vagus nerve in the stomach actually tricks the brain into thinking that the threat is over and allows the officer to move into what we call the exhaustion phase.

Article III – Membership & Structure

1. Membership Eligibility

• Membership is open exclusively to current or retired law enforcement officers certified in peer support and actively engaged in assisting fellow officers.

• Members shall serve on a voluntary basis, with no compensation for their services.

2. Governing Structure

• The Organization shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of peer support-certified law enforcement officers.

• The Board shall include the following positions:

President: Leads the Organization, oversees fundraising, and ensures mission adherence.

Vice President: Assists the President and assumes leadership in their absence.

Treasurer: Manages donations and financial records, ensuring transparency and compliance.

Secretary: Keeps records of meetings, decisions, and donation allocations.

3. Decision-Making

• All decisions regarding donations, expenditures, and peer support operations shall be made collectively by the Board of Directors.

• A majority vote (51%) of the Board members is required to approve financial expenditures or policy changes.

Article IV – Financial Management

1. Donations & Fund Management

• The Organization shall accept monetary donations exclusively for the procurement of peer support supplies as outlined in Article II.

• No donations shall be used for salaries, administrative expenses, or non-peer support-related activities.

• A dedicated account shall be maintained for all received funds, with strict oversight by the Treasurer and Board of Directors.

2. Purchasing & Expense Accountability

• All purchases must be documented with receipts and reported to the Board of Directors.

• A quarterly financial report shall be prepared and made available to donors and members upon request to ensure transparency.

• Any misuse of funds shall result in immediate removal from the Organization and potential legal action.

Article V – Peer Support Operations

1. Deployment of Peer Support

• Peer support shall be provided only to law enforcement officers or 911 dispatchers in need following critical incidents, traumatic events, or distressing situations.

• Members shall conduct wellness checks, provide emotional support, and distribute essential supplies as needed.

2. Confidentiality & Ethics

• All interactions between peer support members and officers shall remain strictly confidential, in accordance with peer support ethics and departmental policies. Peer support is protected under Nevada law to remain confidential, meaning that the peer support team member can face criminal prosecution for breaching that privilege.

•. NRS 281.805 Peer support counseling for law enforcement and public safety personnel: Confidential communications; authorized disclosures; applicability; limitations on liability.

• Members shall adhere to all legal and ethical standards regarding mental health and crisis intervention.

Article VI – Amendments & Modifications

• These bylaws may be amended as necessary to reflect the evolving needs of the Organization.

• Amendments must be proposed in writing and approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Board of Directors.

Article VII – Dissolution

• In the event of dissolution, any remaining funds shall be donated to a nonprofit organization dedicated to law enforcement mental health and suicide prevention.

Adopted on: 2/18/25

By: Southern NV Peer Support

This structure ensures that Southern NV Peer Support remains mission-focused, financially responsible, and transparent in its operations.